

Arm-arch SIG 邀请您参加双周例会 (钉钉接入)


会议主题:Arm-arch SIG双周例会

  1. MPAM技术分享 (来自Alibaba Cloud Linux)
  2. 上次例会遗留问题的update


欢迎大家提出其它议题。可以直接回复邮件 下面页面中填写反馈。

https://alidocs.dingtalk.com/document/edit?dentryKey=6ZeXJQ40BTBaK523# ARM-Arch SIG biweekly meeting


时间:2021-12-28 星期二 10:00 – 12:00

会议接入码: 036 277 78998

会议链接: dingtalk://dingtalkclient/page/videoConfFromCalendar?confId=77e48199-478a-4613-a015-d7e2be55e2a2&calendarId=1479865152



  1. 请先安装钉钉后接入.
  2. 建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在钉钉的ID.







Arm-arch SIG invites you to attend the biweekly conference on DingTalk


Subject: ARM-Arch SIG biweekly meeting

  1. Technology sharing about MPAM (presented by Alibaba Cloud Linux)
  2. Review on action items from previous meeting


Any new issues are welcome! Please directly reply with your new proposals or fill in the below page link:

https://alidocs.dingtalk.com/document/edit?dentryKey=6ZeXJQ40BTBaK523# ARM-Arch SIG biweekly meeting


Time:  2021-12-28 Tue 10:00 - 12:00

Meeting Code: 036 277 78998

Entry link: dingtalk://dingtalkclient/page/videoConfFromCalendar?confId=77e48199-478a-4613-a015-d7e2be55e2a2&calendarId=1479865152



  1. Please install DingTalk first.
  2. You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at DingTalk.


More information: https://openanolis.cn/sig/ARM_ARCH_SIG




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