

Arm-arch SIG 邀请您参加双周例会 (钉钉接入)


会议主题:Arm-arch SIG双周例会

  1. 上次例会遗留问题的update
  2. 关于在5.10内核中支持Phytium平台的问题 (可参考 https://lists.openanolis.cn/hyperkitty/list/arm-arch@lists.openanolis.cn/thread/F5TDNSPVTBQUH4CUMS4SZRGRC46J6RDY/)


欢迎大家提出其它议题。可以直接回复邮件 下面页面中填写反馈。

https://alidocs.dingtalk.com/document/edit?dentryKey=doXwr1nBoSxkeyxb# Arm-arch SIG biweekly meeting 双周例会 2022-03-22



时间:2022-03-22 星期二 10:00 – 12:00

会议接入码: 168 516 14940

会议链接: dingtalk://dingtalkclient/page/videoConfFromCalendar?confId=fac48dea-ad10-4988-9d96-61f9bd061f7b&calendarId=1649222315



  1. 请先安装钉钉后接入.
  2. 建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在钉钉的ID.







Arm-arch SIG invites you to attend the biweekly conference on DingTalk


Subject: ARM-Arch SIG biweekly meeting

  1. Review on action items from previous meeting
  2. Support Phytium platform on 5.10 kernel (Please refer to the backup email here: https://lists.openanolis.cn/hyperkitty/list/arm-arch@lists.openanolis.cn/thread/F5TDNSPVTBQUH4CUMS4SZRGRC46J6RDY/)


Any new issues are welcome! Please directly reply with your new proposals or fill in the below page link:

https://alidocs.dingtalk.com/document/edit?dentryKey=doXwr1nBoSxkeyxb# Arm-arch SIG biweekly meeting 2022-03-22


Time: 03/22 Tue 10:00 - 12:00

Meeting Code: 168 516 14940

Entry link: dingtalk://dingtalkclient/page/videoConfFromCalendar?confId=fac48dea-ad10-4988-9d96-61f9bd061f7b&calendarId=1649222315



  1. Please install DingTalk first.
  2. You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at DingTalk.


More information: https://openanolis.cn/sig/ARM_ARCH_SIG




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